Saturday, 10 May 2014
16 x Perry Miniatures Bohemond of Taranto Command Group of Normans.Progress
Status: 16 horses and basing completed. 16 knights complete, Shields 75% complete. Banner and pennants 90% complete, weathering and varnishing still to complete.
More photos here soon
Estimated completion date : 20/06/14
All 16 horses complete and varnished, bases need finishing and movement trays need to be made, magnetic attachments will be used.
Below converted Bohemond awaits some weathering and varnish.
Above I have started looking at the shields, I have painted a 2mm square red and white chequred pattern on 30% them.
Below a close of one of the shields.
From most complex to the most simple, a few shields always look good in simple plain colours with studs. I will add sword cuts and rips to some as well as weathering them to make them look dirty.
Below the bases painted, dry brushed ,
And static grass, plants and rocks attached to the bases.
Below I have started the banner and pennants, I think I prefer the one with solid red tales.
Below the knights completed,awaiting weathering and varnish.